230 Virtual Training Academy
230 Intensives Virtual Training Academy provides comprehensive, high-quality independent continued professional development training for coaches of all performance disciplines.
​Click the link below to visit our Academy and enrol in some CPD; designed by coaches and industry leaders to meet your needs. ​
Courses are written by international level coaches, judges and choreographers, who are also experienced educators.
Training materials are presented using a mixture of webinars, video presentations and text training materials with downloadable documents to support learning. Modules include practical, hands-on examples of how to implement positive change within your role.
This affordable, self-paced, flexible training helps coaches upskill and boost their confidence; whatever their career stage. ​
Courses are available in dance, tumbling and general coaching. More modules are being added regularly.
All courses are certificated and ​complementary to existing coaching qualifications.
We created this online training academy in response to demand from coaches. We understand that between coaching, events, competitions and work-life balance it is not always feasible to attend in-person conferences. We continue to provide in-house coaches' training courses, but wanted to create a platform to reach more people and share the valuable knowledge of some key international industry leaders who have so much to offer.
We'd love to hear from you about what courses and lessons you'd love to see available.